
Showing posts from March, 2022

A taste of Medjugorie

A taste of Medjugorje, is a long overdue blog, of a beautiful testimony on a Pilgrimage back in 2019. I am sharing this poignant and beautiful story as a witness to events, during the Youth Festival 2019. I was privileged to look after pilgrims in a Pansion, for the first time. Oh what a Blessing that was. A group of pilgrims from all over the world were there for the youth festival. An annual event where 100’s of thousands of pilgrims along with about 500 priests, peacefully come together to worship Jesus.  It was my 6th visit to Medjugorje and from the very first time the coach came round the bend and St James church came into view, I felt I was ‘home’. I long to go ‘home’ again soon. Medjugorie youth festival is like a taste of Heaven on earth. My first visit had been a miracle in itself and I will blog about that another day. Today’s testimony is of a broken hearted mother.  During the earlier part of the week, the group had been waiting to go into dinner. We sat around chatting. ‘